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Market Development

With global international tourist arrivals reaching one billion each year, and growth only expected to increase, opportunities in the tourism industry are endless. Yet many destinations and tourism businesses fail to achieve success. Why are so many destinations struggling in a climate that is ripe for tourism? Marketing is a major part of the problem, but it is also an integral part of the solution.

Our integrated approach incorporates a detailed evaluation of the market, the trade area, and the proposed location. An assessment of future supply/ demand factors and consumer trends provide the basis for substantiated forecasts. Relying on our industry database, our in-house models and primary market research, as well as our experience, these forecasts are incorporated into overall financial forecasts for the operation. Then, the overall financial forecasts are related back to the level of capital investment required.
Microsource Group offers comprehensive, integrated and innovative tourism marketing services and tourism consulting services for tourism businesses and destinations. We tailor designs marketing strategies that are aligned with strategic positioning, competitive advantages and specific goals of its individual clients.
With projects and client bases in many countries across the globe, Microsource Group maintains in-depth market research and knowledge of a variety of tourism niche markets.